Progressive Insurance - Using Progressive's media might to help make Small Business, BIG
Progressive Insurance is one of the worlds largest insurers (Famous for their Turkey Insurance at Thanksgiving)
During the pandemic, they saw small business owners decimated and going out of business.
As they are one of the top 4, largest ad spenders in America, we decided to use that reach to help struggling sbo's (small business owners).
Using Progressive's vast reach and spend on advertising, we created the "Small Business Big" Campaign.
We sent out a stream of social notifications, asking people, and other sbo's to submit their business for the BIG business treatment.
Making Small Businesses, BIG, again, and showing Progressive to be supporting the businesses they insure, during what was, a really tough time.
Creating social campaigns, OOH advertising and using deep fake Keanu to endorse Joes Pizzeria. Making Joes small pizza's, BIG.